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3 ENGLISH Warranty ORECK MANUFACTURING COMPANY: (ORECK gives you the following limited warranty for this product only if it was originally purchased for use, not resale, from ORECK or an ORECK Authorized Retail Founded by David Oreck in 1963, Oreck Corporation began as a manufacturer of upright vacuum cleaners for the U.S. hotel industry. Today the company produces and sells vacuums, steam mops, floor machines, air purifiers and Oreck Commercial floor machines provide professional results in an easy-to-use design. Whether you need to polish hard floors or deep clean carpets, our versatile products offer everything you need to get the job done without hiring Get your Oreck today with diagrams, accessories and repair advice from eReplacementParts! Worldwide shipping, no hassle returns. Join our VIP Email list Receive money-saving advice and special discounts! Oreck 2 Pack We made a comparison of 10 top of the line Oreck 2 packs over the recent 2 years. Check which Oreck 2 pack is best for you. You can also Filter by model, size, top size and amps or settle upon one of our Oreck 2 Vacuum Bag, Paper, 2-Ply, Standard Bag Filtration Type, For Vacuum Type Canister Vacuum Item # 55JE82 Mfr. Model # AK1BB8A At Oreck, we're here to help every step of the way. Here you will find all the spares and accessories needed to keep your machine working at its best. Have a look through the categories below. We've broken them down so you can

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